Promoting InTSEnSE during the 3rd Entrepreneurship and Economic Education Network Meeting in Stuttgart
Jul 24, 2019

Promoting InTSEnSE during the 3rd Entrepreneurship and Economic Education Network Meeting in Stuttgart

Last month, on the 26th of June, I attended the 3rd Entrepreneurship Education and Economic Bildung Network in Stuttgart, meeting being organized again by RKW Kompetenzzentrum. This Network meeting took place at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart at the invitation of Petra Weininger from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics, Labour and Housing. A group of 32 participants from different fields, such as experts from the academic community, teachers and other different multipliers from private and public organizations found a place for exchange and cooperation.

Building on the previous two network meetings, three interactive stations were used to exchange ideas and experiences between all participants. The aim was to develop new ideas and impulses for new cooperation as well as to sensitize the academic community and the future teacher candidates towards teaching entrepreneurship and sustainability education at universities and schools.

The three interactive stations were as follows:

1st station: Opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurship education in the context of economic education and vocational orientation

2nd station: Inspiration und Best Practices for Entrepreneurship Education

3rd station: Intra- and Entrepreneurship: Implementation of Entrepreneurship Education

I took part in the second and third station, as time was running short. In each of these stations, I could promote the InTSEnSE project and win new presenting institutions like the Social Hub Stuttgart for our multiplier event on the 18th of November.

To find out more about the 3rd Entrepreneurship and Economic Education network and their research and resources available, please follow the link:


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