Short term joint staff training event in Rome
Sep 20, 2018

Short term joint staff training event in Rome

From September 16th to Thursday 20th 2018, in the context of the ERASMUS+ Project INTSENSE, a Short term joint staff training event (C1) was held in Rome hosted by the italian partner Archivio della Memoria. The Meeting place was in Casa Internazionale della Donna in Rome, in the Trastevere neighbourhood.

The partners that joined the meeting were Wrexham Glyndwr Uni from UK, Limerick Institute of Technology from Ireland, VSl Innovaciju Biurass from Lithuania, Social Impact Consulting from UK, SOCIALAS INOVACIJAS CENTRS from Latvia, Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg from Germany, PANEPISTIMIO PATRON from Greece.


The partners actively worked on the results and the analysis of the Intellectual Output 1, on the objectives, critical issues and index ideation of the Intellectual Output 2 and developed several workshop and training session on the quantitative research, on video production of communication and teaching videos and on the internationalization of the Social Enterprises.

Several positive results where collected between the different workshop and learning session like the video speech of the participants that were recorded and edited on the Internationalization of the Social Enterprises actually uploaded on the Youtube channel of the project.




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