Upcoming Social Enterprise events in Ireland
Apr 29, 2019

Upcoming Social Enterprise events in Ireland

There are a number of upcoming events focusing on Social Enterprise in the Midwest and southern regions of Ireland.

On the 13th of May Dunhill Ecopark in Waterford is hosting “Revitalising Rural Ireland – Empowering Communities through Social Enterprise.” This event consists of an expert panel of speakers, including Gerry Kiely, Head of the European Commission Representation in Ireland and Patrick Klein of Advanced Technologies, Clusters and Social Economy Unit of DG GROW, EU Commission. The event will also have Social Enterprise Information Stands. Please see the following link: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/citizens-dialogue-revitalising-rural-ireland-empowering-communities-through-social-enterprise-tickets-59181165459

On May 31st the Heritage Council of Ireland will hold a conference on Climate Change and Historic Towns: Adapting to Change. This event aims to empower local communities so that they can take greater control of how their historic town reacts to the challenge of climate change. It includes inputs from a number of social enterprises including Change by Degrees (https://www.changebydegrees.com/). Speakers include Tracy Keogh of Grow Remote, a CLG (not for profit) which has grown into four countries (https://growremote.ie/). Please see the following link: https://www.heritagecouncil.ie/news/events/climate-change-and-historic-towns-adapting-to-change

There was also a day on “Social Enterprise – What is it and how will it inspire me?” This was held on April 11th in Limerick city. It was part of the Erasmus+ RISE project and included speakers from local Social Enterprises. Please see the following link: https://www.limerick.ie/discover/whats-on/what-social-enterprise-and-why-will-it-inspire-me

These events continue to increase the awareness and appreciation of Social Enterprises in Ireland.


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